Jewel’s Equine Guided Coaching

My dear friend, Jewel, came up to the ranch to do an Equine Guided Coaching session with me and the horses.  Normally, I do not share the confidential content of sessions; however, Jewel gave me permission to write about her experience, for which I am very grateful!

After settling down at our ranch with a cup of tea, and picking cards while we watch the birds, Jewel and I headed to the Medicine Wheel out on our land. To set the context of our session, we said prayers to “The Four Directions, Mother Earth and Father Sun,” asking for support and connection to Mother Earth, all the Nature Spirits, and our Ancestors. Then we picked a comfy spot to sit out in the woods, where I listened to Jewel’s story.

Jewel has felt like a “lone wolf” for a long time. She recently started working towards getting a degree that will position her to work closely with other professionals in a field that feels like her “soul work”.

 “I know I have developed the muscle to do something that’s hard, and how to rely on myself, but this time I would love to feel like the whole Universe has my back and will guide me on this journey,” she declared. 

The cards that Jewel chose supported her feelings, filled with encouragement and symbolic meaning.

I then shared with Jewel how the horses mirror to us what we are feeling; many times they reflect feelings we are not yet aware of. Because the horse is an animal of flight, meaning that their only defense is to run, they are always reading the energies around them to discern if it is safe for them to stay, or if they need to flee. When a human enters into their energetic field, the horse immediately reads the human’s energy, and if the human is conflicted, unaware, or upset in any way, the horse will respond by keeping their distance from the human.

Jewel set the intention for her time in the round pen with Reba: “To experience being with the horses with childlike innocence, excitement and joy, and to see how the horse responds to me, knowing that the horse lives in truth all of the time.”

We went to greet the horses and led Reba into the round pen with Jewel. There was a time of silence, which is quite typical as the horse and human adjust to being together.  Reba kept her distance from Jewel, looking for grass and weeds to munch on. 

After a while, I asked Jewel, “What comes up for you when Reba is not paying attention to you?” 

Jewel slowly responded, “I can be patient.” A few minutes later, tears welled up in Jewel’s eyes. When I asked Jewel what she was feeling she said, “I think the most painful thing is being ignored.” 

This started an inquiry into the source of that belief.  We talked about her childhood, around ages of 4-7, when she felt ignored by her parents and siblings.

I asked Jewel if she had a good relationship with her Inner Child, and if she would like to invite her to join the session with us. She did, and the energy shifted in the horses.  Jewel walked over to the railing to be with Captain, our 30-year quarter horse, and they spent a long time connecting. Captain was very protective of Jewel, pushing away Hidalgo, our young mustang gelding. 

When I asked what Captain’s behavior represented to her she said, “The mature masculine. My father had a terrible temper, and I didn’t feel safe around him. I need the mature masculine on my side.”

Then Reba came over and respectfully stood behind Jewel. 

I said, “You now have the feminine at your back, and the masculine on your front.”  

“I can feel it!” Jewel exclaimed. “I feel a deep trust that I belong, that I deserve, that I matter!  I have everything I need. I love that Reba came up behind me. I have never felt anyone had my back. Captain is like a layer between me and the world; nothing will ever penetrate this!”

In our debrief a few days later, Jewel shared, “When Reba seemed disinterested in me, the thought came up that I am not important enough for her to pay attention to me. Then, when she did come over, and Captain stood by me, it was so meaningful!  Captain felt so steadfast, which gave me a sense of abiding, unwavering protection. Reba was so incredibly embodied, so comfortable with who she is; she’s not going to do anything she doesn’t want to do. That was a big message for me!”

With deep gratitude to Jewel and the horses,


The Dance between the Masculine + Feminine Energies

